Blue and Brown

Film and DVD reviews, analysis and criticism

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Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Film Review - The Hand That Rocks The Cradle

The Hand That Rocks The Cradle is a spin-off of hit Sixties TV show, The Addams Family. The main protagonist is Thing, the disembodied hand that lurched around to no real effect - this is the hand of the title.

Cut from the same cloth as genuine classic, Three Men and a Baby, this is the story of an inappropriate parent struggling to raise a child. Where Three Men and a Baby got its near-endless laughs from a situation where three men all appeared to be the father of a child, here the comedy derives from Thing's appearance.

Laugh as the public run screaming from Thing when it goes to buy nappies. Cry as people run screaming from Thing when it goes to buy baby food. Rejoice as people run screaming from Thing when it goes to buy special shampoo for babies.

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