Blue and Brown

Film and DVD reviews, analysis and criticism

Film reviews. Movie reviews. Cinema. Motion pictures. Whatever you want to call it, it doesn't matter, because the reviews are constructed out of lies.

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Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Film Review - Philadelphia

Michael Winner is a fat, disgusting cheese-lover who stuffs his face and shouts at people. Mrs Winner, played by Geoff Capes, has had enough. She puts her husband on the Philadelphia diet, where Winner can eat as much cream cheese as he likes, but no harder cheeses, not even a camembert or soft brie.

Michael Winner struggles with his addiction. He finds that rather than fulfilling his need for cheese, the Philadelphia is in fact making him need cheese more. It's not cheese. It's barely even food. In a climactic finale, Winner goes down to Tesco and eats literally their entire stock of cheese, even the wax off the Baby-Bels.

It's repulsive.

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