Blue and Brown

Film and DVD reviews, analysis and criticism

Film reviews. Movie reviews. Cinema. Motion pictures. Whatever you want to call it, it doesn't matter, because the reviews are constructed out of lies.

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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Film Review - Contact

Jodie Foster is a scientist. She's got a big thing about empirical evidence. Over the course of Contact she learns that everybody who makes judgements based on facts is WRONG. She also learns that everybody who just takes things on trust is RIGHT.

The only thing is, the only thing that convinces her of this is an experience that she has - something that she herself can verify.

We the viewers are also meant to take home the view that just believing in something for no real reason, because somebody's told you to, is in some way better than requiring facts. Aside from the flawed logic whereby Jodie Foster renounces facts as a result of a FACT, we're also supposed to adopt this view based on a load of fiction. Because, lest we forget, this is just a film and not real life.

Just who is it that lets Christian Americans make films?

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