Blue and Brown

Film and DVD reviews, analysis and criticism

Film reviews. Movie reviews. Cinema. Motion pictures. Whatever you want to call it, it doesn't matter, because the reviews are constructed out of lies.

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Monday, January 15, 2007

Film Review - Desperately Seeking Susan

Desperately Seeking Susan is the sequel to the critically feted Vaguely Wondering Where Susan Is. The rumour is that there is a third film, currently in production, with the provisional title, Frantically Phoning Round Everyone We Know In The Vague Hope That They've Seen Or Spoken To Susan.

Desperately Seeking Susan is a tour de force from a cinematic perspective. It is one continuous take, on one solitary camera. The actor, Cheggers of pop-playing fame, had to deliver a gargantuan, yet faultless performance. And he managed it.

By the end of the film, Cheggers is completely hoarse. Starting with an inquisitive 'Susan?' progressing to a more tremulous and nervous delivery, before finally, in the climactic moments, attaining a level of worry that could only be classed as desperate. The whole movie hangs on this man and he delivers.

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