Blue and Brown

Film and DVD reviews, analysis and criticism

Film reviews. Movie reviews. Cinema. Motion pictures. Whatever you want to call it, it doesn't matter, because the reviews are constructed out of lies.

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Friday, December 08, 2006

Film Review - Mulholland Drive

Don't be fooled by the name. This isn't about Mulholland Drive in Hollywood. It's about a drive down Mulholland Close in Merton, London.

Young Roddy Rocketpants has got a new car. It's an Austin Allegro. He wants to take it for a spin, so he does. Unfortunately, he never gets further than his own road, Mulholland Drive, due to a number of hilarious incidents, which are just too side-splitting to relay.

The only false note in this masterpiece is the question as to why Roddy Rocketpants wants a battered 1970s vehicle when he is the proud owner of trousers that can propel him through the stratosphere.

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