Blue and Brown

Film and DVD reviews, analysis and criticism

Film reviews. Movie reviews. Cinema. Motion pictures. Whatever you want to call it, it doesn't matter, because the reviews are constructed out of lies.

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Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Film Review - Sin City

On the one hand, Sin City is a depiction of an extremely corrupt world. It is ultra-stylised and its only responsibility is to entertain.

On the other hand, it's an intensely absorbing motion picture about a big group of actors taking the piss out of one of their number because he's called 'Clive'.

I enjoyed this film immensely. My favourite bit was when Clive finally revealed his surname after much prodding from his fellow cast members. The reaction of Oliver Cromwell from Moonlighting was priceless:

"Owen? Your name's Clive Owen? Aren't you in Last of the Summer Wine?"

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